
The Monto Version 3 protocol differs from Version 2 in several ways.

HTTP/2 instead of ZeroMQ

ZeroMQ requires FFI, which is difficult in some editors and requires an additional dependency in all. For example, to implement monto-mode, a Monto major mode for emacs, the author needed to depend on elisp-ffi, a package that provides FFI for Emacs by spawning a subprocess and communicating with a custom protocol over pipes. Needless to say, this is horrible and inefficient. Emacs is a pathological case for this specific issue, due to its lack of native support for FFI. It is still inconvenient to need to bind to ZeroMQ from JavaScript, to use the example of Atom and/or Visual Studio Code.

Additionally, HTTP requests have a single, authoritative response. This allows the client to wait for that single response and know that it represents all requested information about the resource sent to the broker. With ZeroMQ, it becomes a requirement to listen indefinitely for an eventual response from a service that happens to be lagging behind.

The downside of waiting for a single response containing all the information requested is that the time to get products becomes the worst-case time. This is mitigated by making requests pull-based instead of push-based.

Stateless Services (Config not stored in the service)

The overhead is assumed to be negligible. In reality, it’ll probably amount to a few hundred bytes at most, which should take well under a millisecond on any modern network. In exchange, it makes it feasible for multiple brokers to be connected to a single service, and for services to be much more easily written as pure functions.

If overhead becomes a serious problem, HTTP compression could probably be used to minimize it.

Pull-based instead of push-based

In Monto v2 (push-based), when a file is changed, it gets sent to the broker, and the broker then walks the graph “forwards”, trying to get every possible product from the network of services.

In Monto v3 (pull-based), the client sends a list of products it wants to the broker, which then walks the graph “backwards” to figure out how to make all of them from the source code.

This makes predicting the responses the client will get much simpler, and allows for greater granularity. This also mitigates the increase in response time from the server, as only the products which are needed in the short-term (e.g. highlighting) are requested immediately, while ones that take longer (e.g. in-depth error checking) can be delayed until requested.

Broker handles file access

The original Monto spec doesn’t (as far as I can tell) specify whether services are allowed to perform direct filesystem access or not. For many languages (including C), dynamic dependencies are insufficient to express the search model the language uses for dependency resolution.

The service sending requests to the broker is done so that services can be run on a different machine. The caching mechanism should lower the overhead to a single roundtrip.

Commands not implemented

I can’t find a good way to reconcile “service might be on a different machine” and “commands can perform arbitrary tasks” without having the broker expose something quite like a writable filesystem to the service, which feels hackish, inefficient, and insecure.

Broker connects to a service

This is mainly to allow services to be shared. A downside is that setting up Monto is no longer “zero-configuration,” as the broker needs to be informed where the services are.

This could be mitigated by using a service discovery protocol such as mDNS, although the amount of work that would be required seems too high to be worth pursuing in the short term.